Portrait shoot with the FujiFilm X-E1 and Fuji 35mm f/1.4 prime lens.
It's time to capture each of my kid's portraits for the year - so they can't guilt me into ordering prints from the LifeTouch packets.
My son David is a junior in High School this year.... already! I wanted to capture what he enjoys - he's a Linux junkie and quite a server geek. In fact, he just wrapped up a short internship at IBM this summer. He's a smart kid and It's rare that an LCD of some sort isn't bathing his face in hard blue light.
I shot these portraits with the FujiFilm X-E1 and Fuji 35mm f/1.4 prime lens, two Yongnuo Speedlite YN560 flashes, and three Yongnuo RF-603 wireless triggers. Actually a very simple setup with bare flashes - one reflecting off the outdoor gym rafters for ambient light and the other bounced off the laptop screen (or directly shooting at David from a stand). With no light modifiers the light is quite harsh and direct for a portrait, but I think it does a good job of simulating the cold light of electronic gadgets. I'm pleased with the way these turned out. I think he even thinks these are cool and that's what counts, right?
Funny, as we shot we overheard two kids riding bikes past the outdoor gym. One said to the other, "next year I'll be just like that kid, with a real photographer to take my picture." He's really looking forward to that senior picture! David and I both had a good laugh.